Monday, 20 June 2011

Am I following You?

Hi folks...
I'm reposting this one as it got lost behind the Midsummer Faery ;o)...

I just wanted to check with all of my friendly followers to see if I have done you all the courtesy of following you in return?
I have just spent ages trying to track some of you down!
Some folks keep their 'profile' hidden which means when I click on the followers it won't show a link to your lovely site and then I can't come and have nosey around your blogs...:o( :o(
I've managed to find a few of you...who have been following me for yonks and now I can see what goodies you have to please forgive my was you all being secretive 'what dun it' ;o)
So...if I have totally ignored you...and you really didn't want me to (and I can understand why you would!)...then PLEASE...leave me a comment or a message or anything which I can grab as a link to that I can come and play on your own turf :o)
If you have recieved this message and did not subscribe to this blog, please ignore this message ;o)


Carolina Gonzalez said...

We just moved our miniature blog to Blogspot, so now you can follow us back :).

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Oh you're so stalk me remember? I tried to track folks down on my blog as well and came up with the same dilemna...I guess we are all a little scared of the boogie man and viral thingies that go bump in the puters.
Happy MidSummer darling girl, The Olde Baddest Bagg, Lindy Lu

Oberon's Wood said...

I've just left you a message on your new blog :o)

Lindy Lou...
I thought you were stalking me?
You mean it wasn't you in the bushes?
Uh oh!

Oberon's Wood said...

Maggie, you are so kind!
Well if it wasn't you in the bushes and it wasn't who does that leave?

Cornerstoregoddess said...

Hi, Cee. Come follow me!

TinaE said...

I just started following thanks to finding you through EHAG! I'm so glad I did!

I think my profile links to my blog, but you never know!

Nice to "meet" you!


Oberon's Wood said...

Ellie I already follow you ;o)

It's lovely to 'meet' you too :o)