Thursday, 17 February 2011

Who is he?

I'm one of those people who can't just sit...
If I'm watching the TV I have to also be 'doing' something...this annoys everyone around me I'm sure...but they're probably used to me now anyway :o)

My favourite thing to do whilst I sit, is sketch...and charcoal is my favourite thing to make a right mess with...
I love the way the blackness creeps up on the white page and takes over it...
Most of the time the result is just a mess...sometimes though, a face will start to appear and after a while, I start to see them looking back at me, urging me to help them escape from the darkness.

This face appeared on my page amongst all of the scratchings and rubbings (which annoy everyone) and I thought that I would share him here, as I would like to know who he is...
That may sound slightly odd I know, but I feel that he is trying to tell me to bring him out further from this rough sketch and 'make' him into something...trouble is, I'm not sure who he really is...

I like the strangely wistful gaze he has...and my first thought was to make him a Fae...then I thought that he might be better as a God...or I could add horns and make him a see what I mean...I haven't got a clue really...

I think I would like him to have story which fits him...
He seems a little sad maybe?
Or maybe he's in love?

The picture didn't really fit my scanner (I sketch quite big) but I've just managed to squeeze him in...some of his hair has gone but I think he's showing enough to get an idea...even in this very rough sketch.

So folks I have a request from you...
Who does he feel like to you?
What do you think he wants from me?
I'm not saying he will get what he wants though...
I don't hold with paintings getting their own Dorian Gray works here ;o)
I'm just curious...

If you click the image you'll get a better look although he is much darker in real life...

And thank you in advance for your help :o)

Monday, 14 February 2011

I HATE Valentine's Day!'s THAT day again...the one where folks get all upset if they aren't loved :o(
How bizarre is that?
Why does the date dictate how much love a person has or gives?
I HATE this day...but I LOVE almost everyone and me...
You are all loved...promise...someone, somewhere loves you...
You may know them...
You may not...
One just takes a little patience...
So...lean into the 'puter screen and I'll blow you a BIG Elf kiss...
Just so that you feel loved...(*blow*)

I'm not christian so I don't do the whole V day thing...but my Giant Troll does celebrate the Roman equivalent...(sometimes...if he feels the need)...he's a little 'Old Fash' my Troll...and he will insist in writing doggerel poetry for know how big Trolls can an Elf stop a Troll?
Needless to made me laugh...
I s'pose that's love for you...;o)

Oh well...for those celebrating...may love trickle over your toes like the lovely stream in springtime...(?)
For those who are V-Grinches (like me)...kiss the mirror and say 'I love you'...
Well if it was good enough for Oscar Wilde...:o)