Hello there my pretties!
Are you all enjoying the Summer?
Seems like I haven't been around here for a very long time...
Life's like that sometimes...if you don't hold tightly to time...it has this way of escaping your grip.
Of course I haven't been totally idle (no eye rolling you lot!)...I have been doing some arty things...although these days...I just seem to let it lead...with me following behind trying to catch up with it...
I posted the origins of this painting on the PAN blog here
She is obviously the bottom sketch...and I knew that she was in just the right pose for a laid back faery...so...gave her a couple of toadstools and here she is...finished...I think...
In the beginning...I thought that she was waiting for something...but couldn't make my mind up what or who...she seems to be looking across into the distance...and of course...there is the answer...she is waiting for the sun...
She is a Fae of the Midsummer...a Solstice Fae...and she is watching the sun rise on this special long day...presumably she is resting...before the faery revelries begin...
It is long known that these little beings can really party...
Maybe...one day...they will let me join in with them again...I'm not too fussy about the size of the cakes...and I don't drink the hard stuff...so I wouldn't tread on any of them by mistake...
If I cross my fingers...maybe this year...
I have a dear friend called Linda...who each year celebrates the coming of the Fae...she lives with her Grandchildren in New Mexico...where the faeries sure know how to party...and everyone gets to see them...if you would like to join in...here's how you get there click
If I don't see you again for a while...
You know where I'll be...
Happy Midsummer Solstice my faery friends...
Hold on tightly to time...and sprinkle faery dust in your wake...