Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Please Help The Whales!

Care 2 are spreading the word about the sneaky way that certain countries are trying to bring back whaling...
I've copied the page for you to read...
If any of you would care to help these beautiful creatures of the deep...
PLEASE sign the petition on the care2 doesn't cost a penny...
So do please take a look...
Here's what they say...

Stop the Sell Out, Save the Whales!

Target: Madam Minister Ilse Aigner of Germany
Sponsored by: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

A massive new threat against whales has recently surfaced that would wipe out the international ban on commercial whaling.

A 'behind closed doors' proposal between Japan, Germany, the United States and other governments would legitimize the cruel commercial slaughter of our ocean's great whales for the first time since 1986 -- undermining decades of hard-won protections for whales.

Please sign the letter to German Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Madam Minister Ilse Aigner, to stop this sell-out of the whales. We must act quickly!

Dear Madam Minister,

Disturbing reports indicate that you may be supporting an international agreement permitting Japan and others to resume commercial whaling.

We respectfully urge you to prevent the sell-out of the whales as outlined in the "Compromise paper" of the IWC Chairman which is currently supported by the German government.

In addition I want to ask you to do everything in your power to uphold an effective moratorium and finally end commercial whaling in the 21st Century.

Thanks everyone...on behalf of the whales...
Here's the link to the petition site